Blockchain is a decentralized database system that stores transaction data or other digital transactions that have been completed and distributed to participants in value chains. A supply chain is a network of companies that work together to produce and deliver a product to the end consumer. This supply chain concept is the concept of inventory management.
The research method used in this work is literature research. This study mainly focuses on the bibliometric analysis of supply chain blockchain technology. In the proposed study, published articles are evaluated using a different statistical tool (VOSviewer, an R-based tool) to obtain quantitative results from image data.
The result of this study is Blockchain in providing quality products in the halal supply chain, and of course this product has a halal logo and is better communicated through a better system and supports the creation of a quality product so that quality and commitment are communicated. to consumers. This blockchain is one of the indicators of the current milestones of technological development focusing on information technology, which has contributed to the development of challenges in the supply chain, where data is currently important.
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